Bryan Dowd

Bryan Dowd

Owner/Coach Programmer Adult CrossFit Personal Training


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)

rossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)

Lesson Planning Certificate

Level 2 Pre-Course Certificate

Programming Certificate

Running Certificate

Better Nutrition Certificate

About Coach

In 1992 I suffered a severe knee injury in which I had torn my ACL, PCL, and Lateral Meniscus, and a Partial tear in my LCL while playing baseball. Before that, I had many years of playing different sports as well as classic weight training prior to the injury. After rehabbing the knee for years I still suffered from chronic pain and frequent dislocations. I joined CrossFit and after 6 months noticed significant improvements until eventually I was mobile and mostly pain-free. CrossFit literally changed my life and helped me become a more active person in many aspects of my life.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

I LOVE coaching and always have. It is the best way to express the passion for the things you love and hopefully instill a passion and love for that things as well. Being part of someone's success journey is the best part of coaching and I'm truly blessed to have this opportunity every day.

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